Who we are

Iron Duke is led by Phil O’Reilly. He is a New Zealand and global business leader and advocate. Through his extensive networks he is deeply engaged in public policy and business issues both locally and globally. He and the Iron Duke team work hand in hand with a noted Advisory Board.

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Phil O’Reilly, ONZM

Phil is the Managing Director of Iron Duke Partners. He is a global business leader and advocate. He is Chair of the Board of Business at OECD, (a representation of businesses in OECD member states), based in Paris. Phil is involved in the work of the B20 - advising G20 leaders. He is formally a member of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). He has acted in a governance or advisory capacity to a number of New Zealand and overseas organisations in areas as diverse as trade, sustainability, diversity, pay equity, manufacturing, tertiary education, child poverty and the future of work. Until recently, Phil was a member of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) based in Geneva. Previously he was Chief Executive of BusinessNZ, New Zealand’s leading business advocacy group, representing thousands of businesses of all sizes.

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Jesse Corlett

Jesse is a Principal Consultant with Iron Duke Partners. He has over a decade of experience in policy and government relations spanning energy, infrastructure, climate change, and national security. He previously worked in the public service (MBIE, DPMC, and EECA); executive government (the Office of the Minister of Energy and Resources); and the private sector (Energy Resources Aotearoa).

Jesse holds a Master of Public Policy from the University of Cambridge and a Master of Public Management from Victoria University of Wellington.

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Madison Burgess-Smith

Madison is a senior consultant with Iron Duke Partners. She has experience working with a number of organisations, in both a policy development and governance capacity. Previously she has worked in environmental regulatory policy at the Environmental Protection Authority. Madison is a regular political and policy commentator and holds several not-for-profit directorships.

Madison is a graduate of Victoria University of Wellington in International Relations, Political Science, International Business and Public Policy.

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Henry Levett

Henry is a consultant with Iron Duke Partners. Previously he has worked at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment where he provided policy advice to support the development and implementation of effective strategies within the New Zealand tourism sector. Henry also has experience in property management and operations within a startup.

Henry is a graduate of Victoria University of Wellington with a Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Philosophy.

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